Monday, September 19, 2016

A story of  a Doctor and two Patients:

Patients:May we come in sir.
Doctor:Come in.

Patients:who is she at same time.
Doctor:she is my assistant.

Patients:who are you.
Doctor:I am a doctor. Do you know me.

Patients:we know only her.
Doctor: What are your problem.

Patients:we are free from all types of problem.
Doctor:now you can go.

A story of  a Doctor and two Patients:

Patients:May we come in sir.
Doctor:Come in.

Patients:who is she at same time.
Doctor:she is my assistant.

Patients:who are you.
Doctor:I am a doctor. Do you know me.

Patients:we know only her.
Doctor: What are your problem.

Patients:we are free from all types of problem.
Doctor:now you can go.